Healing in Tribe for Men
Feel The Power of BrotherhoodRelax Your Nervous System Re-Build Trust with Your Brothers Meet Yourself Fully Heal Past Trauma Expand Your Emotional Range Integrate Your Shadows Expand Your Presence & Consciousness Regulate, Recover, Recharge
July 11-14, 2024
New Eden, Netherlands
"The greatest gift you can give to your partner, is to heal your relationship with your brothers."
Dear Brother,
This retreat is not another ‘chest thumping’ or ‘scream your lungs out’ intensity contest.
This is a journey back to your deepest essence, to your heart. It’s a journey of togetherness and an invitation to come back home, to yourself and to your brothers.
Something has not been right for a while, like a mis-alignment at the level of your soul. It might be hard to put your finger on it, but the impact on your life and relationships is evident.
Challenges in your health, wealth, relationships & happiness are making themselves known through the cracks in your persona and failed attempts to cover up what is craving to be felt and healed.
And yet today, you have landed on this page and are now being presented with an invitation for you to take inspired action, that will potentially transform not only your own life, but every life, whose life you go on to touch.
Are you ready to answer the call?
Do you feel ready to invest in yourself to recover what has been lost, to claim what is ready to be found?
Yes? Amazing….
The way I work is though a process I developed called Heart iQ Circle Work. I guide the group into a unifying space of resonance where your nervous system can finally come to rest. Through a process I call ‘Divine Embodiment’, you will feel safe to re-connect to the deepest parts of you, and to give space for everything that has been covered up by the toxic push of ‘doingness’ in your life.
You will laugh, you will cry. But most of all, you will be liberated from the burden you’ve been carrying as you come back to who you really are. You will come home to yourself, leaving feeling inspired, rested and open.
It’s time to release old outdated thoughts of what it means to be a man, to surrender needing to do and to achieve in order to be loved. It’s time to activate your inner Heart Intelligence, to liberate your sexual life force and channel it through your heart in service to your sacred purpose, whether that’s being the best father you can be, or to do the sacred work you’ve been called here to do.
I look forward to serving you and inviting you into our Brotherhood.
- Christian
Founder of Heart iQ
Co-Founder of New Eden
Your Retreat Experience

The focus of the Heart iQ circle journey we will embark on is to get you into your body while simultaneously tapping into a higher state of consciousness by leveraging the power of the amplified field, generated by everyone attending.
The amplified space we co-create in mindful awareness and embodied presence is a brave space for those ready to connect more deeply to the mysterious potential of healing that is possible in emergent group fields.
This space is mostly unknown, we have no idea what will happen between us. And that’s exactly the place where we want to hang out… in this liminal space anything is possible as we set and hold a remarkably potent container where literally anything can happen.
We will travel through lifetimes, other worlds and realities, all in a ritualized space perfectly designed for the emergence of what wants to happen through and between us. It is a transformational multi-dimensional experience unlike any circle you have sat in before.

The work that we do is experiential and on one hand challenging and on another, deeply relaxing and nourishing. This is about getting in your body and connecting to who you really are and bringing forth your authentic expression.
We're here not to play around on the surface, but get to the depths of who you are, what your life is about and what's holding you back from your full expression and leadership. Be prepared to go on a journey of personal exploration, shedding what's ready to dissolve and receive a sacred imprint of what it means to be a conscious, heart connected and sexually potent man.
A big part of the work is around releasing core stress in the nervous system by practicing opening our hearts to other men. When we as brothers can receive each other fully and let ourselves drop into the collective amplified field of brotherhood, something magical happens that simultaneously raises consciousness and heals old wounds.
A big part of the retreat is to experience a 'homecoming' and to remember the nourishing and supportive feeling of being part of a tribe of brothers that have your back and can feel you in ways you may not even be able to feel yourself. You may not realise it yet, but having brotherhood in your life is not just a luxury, but an essential ingredient for successfully navigating your life and relationships.
Connected to this idea of brotherhood is an area that we call 'Tribal Regulation'. This is where a tribe of brothers can support you in regulating your nervous system and come to rest. As a man, it's likely that you carry stress and burden in your nervous system as you attempt to meet life alone. In order to perform at your best, it will be critical to recharge, recover and get nourished - and there's something men can provide you that you won't be able to find anywhere else.

What Will You Receive?
RELEASE THE TOXIC MASCULINE and claim your healthy expression of power in the world.
RE-CONNECT WITH THE POWER OF YOUR FEELING BODY to move through the suppression many men carry in their emotions due to insecurity and fear from childhood experiences.
RELEASE CORE STRESSÂ and surrender into divine relaxation.
CONNECTION TO YOUR OWN SPIRITUAL NATURE to come into direct contact with your inner wisdom and guidance.
CONNECTION WITH YOUR LIFE'S MISSION AND PURPOSE to remember why you are really here, and what gifts you bring to the world.
DEEPEN YOUR SEXUAL PRACTICE so that you can open the feminine Heart with integrity and depth.
BUILDING HEALTHY MAN-TO-MAN RELATIONSHIPS that lead to growth, connection and real authenticity. Experience brotherhood.
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Register NowWhat Happens at Healing in Tribe?
Each retreat is unique and emergent in nature. This means we co-create our experience together. That said, there are some core ingredients that you'll receive. Here are a few...
How Does it Work?
Heart iQ Circle Work is what is called a "Transformational Technology".
It's not about fixing your dysfunction or about focusing on your problems.
It's an upgrade.
What if what you think is broken and problematic, is actually you not having an 'imprint' of a healthy way of being?
What if you were never given the imprint of what it means to be a man, a lover, a parent, an elder, or a leader?
What if you were never given a model of what life COULD be? What if, instead of being blessed with healthy imprints of what you can be, you were given a limited, conditioned and restricted version of what's truly possible?
Heart iQ is the transformational technology that offers you DIRECT, in-the-body imprints of upgraded ways of being, without needing to focus on your past or on your issues.
Heart iQ Circle provides a roadmap to experience what we call, "The New Normal".
Watch this video (filmed at a previous Accelerated Awakening retreat) to discover more about Heart iQ Circle and the Sacred Imprinting work we do, and why being in a group, working with the amplified field, provides access to upgraded ways of being that are impossible to access on your own or 1-2-1.
Hear what other men have to say about their experience at the Embodied Man Retreat at New Eden
"Life changing. The training at New Eden was deep, challenging and transformational. I got clear insight into what my largest growth potential is as well as what gifts I'm already bringing to the world. Spending time with men in brotherhood gave me an invaluable imprint of the love, support and healing that is possible when we come together. I highly recommend working with Christian and Heart iQ!"
— Henrik
Meet Christian
About Your Facilitator
Christian Pankhurst is a world leading expert in group dynamics, conscious communication, and the art of circle facilitation. Christian is a master conductor of the collective wisdom that emerges when resonant hearts come together, and his piercing clarity lovingly cuts through bullshit while he holds a space of unconditional love for what wants to emerge in the now.
Christian teaches how to tap into the power of the collective wisdom or 'field' so facilitators learn how to heal themselves and others simultaneously through a process that is embodied and joyful rather than heady and focused on solving problems.Â
Christian's unique capacity to translate  complex group dynamics into simple, clear and practical insights is the reason why so many seek him out to get trained in the art of small and large group facilitation.
Christian started facilitating groups in 2002 after graduating as a Chiropractor from the AECC in the U.K. His speciality is using a group’s wisdom and energy to open up gateways of transformation that are simply not available in an individual or one-on-one practice.Â
In 2008, Christian entered and won the Britain's Next Top Coach Competition, receiving 52% of the votes from over 90 countries around the world. He is the best-selling author of Insights To Intimacy - Why Relationships Fail and How To Make Them Work, and is the co-founder of New Eden, a centre for those wishing to grow, co-create and awaken together in community.
In 2017, Christian spent 2 years in the Embodied Man Leadership training with John Wineland and it was at this time that he started creating his own flavour of men's work, offering deep dive retreats at New Eden.
Where Do We Gather?
The Healing in Tribe Retreat takes place at New Eden, at our own dedicated venue located in the Heart of Friesland, Netherlands, surrounded by 50 acres of beautiful forest and nature. It is completely private and is gloriously free from the noise and distractions of modern life.
Staying at New Eden is like stepping into a different reality of wonder and magic. We go to great lengths to create a strong and loving container for you to stretch into the best version of yourself while creating a culture of acceptance, authenticity, depth of practice, mastery and heart-centered living. This is a space where you can thrive!
Imagine for a moment, visiting a place out of time, a place where time stands still. A lush oasis and sanctuary for your soul, where you get to be seen and felt in all your glory. A place where you get to show up exactly as you are. A place where you get to be the real you.
New Eden is that place. New Eden is a beautiful, nourishing, healing space where you get to truly drop into your authentic self, rest and receive. Filled up from the inside, you get to shine your light into the world and expand your range beyond what you previously thought possible.

New Eden is a place that has the feeling of coming home. It’s a place where you can lean into the edges of your self-expression. Finding a freedom you’ve never known. Deepening in your capacity to open. Exploring the range of your pleasure and staying present as you journey forwards with consciousness.
New Eden is a place where people arrive as strangers and leave as lifelong friends. Experiential and purposefully curated with connection in mind, the Healing in Tribe Men's Retreat at New Eden will leave you re-connected to yourself, others and the world.
Are You Ready to Experience Real Brotherhood?
Our promise is to provide an environment where you can finally let go, and heal in connection with other men.
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